Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summertime fun is beginning!!

Ox..still lovin' the wagon rides!
On top of spaghetti...all covered with cheese..

Mommy & Daddy took a much needed trip, alone to Mexico! Ole!

Mommy's back to her old self....

Maddox continues to be all smiles!

Sportin' his new running suit....thanks to Cousin Cade!
Love that face!
And look at all the teeth!
Maddox and Mommy have fun with Jack and his Mommy!

It's the Easter Bunny!!!

Maddox wakes up to see what the Easter Bunny left him!
At first Ox is uncertain about the bunny...he soon warms up!
G & G Moore snuggle with Maddox
Maddox loves his rocking chair and reading books!
Cool shades are essential!